Gold Digging

When Tyler and Libby were preschoolers, I worked in youth ministry. Two youth were more respectful and responsible than any of their peers. They were self-assured without being cocky and capable. Give them a task and it was completed with excellence – on time. Add in...

Quivers and Quakes

In one minute everything can change. Old assumptions can be shaken and new priorities emerge. Relationships merge or fracture, perceptions shift. You’ve experienced those changes. A letter, a diagnosis, an award, an insight—all have earthquake potential. What did you...


Rebekah of the Old Testament was a gorgeous woman. She married into an incredibly wealthy family and her husband adored her. (Jealous? Just wait.) She was decisive, a go-getter with a servant’s heart, and a mother of twin boys – a double blessing in ancient times. But...


We are all storytellers. We tell our stories to connect with one another and to make sense about what happens to us. Our story, when told, does not belong to us anymore; it belongs to the catechism of universal story. Joining with others, our story becomes more real,...

The Silent Gift

Well, no, I don’t want to sound like Scrooge, and I honestly do love Christmas, both the sacred and the secular, but really, one must admit that it is a delight to get past the annual Santa festival out there, the “ songs playing before Thanksgiving, that...


During this Advent season, once again we wait expectantly for Hope to be born. With our families we watch that small family travel the road to Bethlehem, and we ponder the mystery of the divine and unconditional Love that came to us as a child. We wait and wonder . ....