How Do You Know?

“How do you know you love me?” Unblinking brown eyes framed with long lashes stared up at me. “Mommy, how do you know?” My children are grown and perhaps the question today would be: How do they know I love them? Consider how your adult...


Remember A word that invokes passion. Remember 911. Remember injustice. And the panic of I don’t remember. It is a word that invokes poignancy. Remember high school. Remember your first car. Sometimes we need to work at remembering. Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust...

The Strongest Woman

Today, Tuesday, May 28th, is my personal Memorial Day for the strongest woman I’ve ever known, a warrior who never wore a uniform or served in our military. Yet, she entered battle, met each challenge with great honor, and left a priceless legacy. Fifteen years...

Shield Maiden

I was a shield maiden. (Yes, I watched Vikings even though I closed my eyes during the violence which means they were closed a LOT.) When Ty was a little fellow, we were very conservative in what and how much TV he viewed.  The criticism and belittling from...