The sailor outfit for Tyler’s six month old photo was a perfect fit – on Monday. By Saturday, the day of the photo appointment, the buttons threatened to pop off his shirt and the pants almost squeezed him in half.

The proverb from the ‘Book of Mom’ was proving true. “Enjoy them while they’re little. They grow up so fast.”

I’m a list maker. If it’s not on my list, it doesn’t happen and if it does happen and it’s not on the list, I add it so I can cross it off. (No, you are not invited to comment on this part of the blog.)

After that day, a new item appeared on my daily list.

Enjoy Tyler.

Going beyond the delight of caring, feeding and interacting with him, this was a stop everything else time – no thinking about the grocery list or listening for the oven timer. I marveled at his long, thick eyelashes and listened to his laughter. We blew soap bubbles, played patty-cake, and read dozens of books.

Wednesday, September 24, was Rosh Hashanah, the Hebrew New Year or ‘head of the year’. Traditional Jewish belief says this is the day Sarah conceived Isaac, and Hannah conceived Samuel (a prophet of the Old Testament). During each Rosh Hashanah celebration, Genesis 21 is read to show God ‘remembering’ His people with the gift of a child.

Hannah had beseeched God for a son and vowed to commit him – even as a child – to the Lord’s service. She knew Samuel would be with her for only a short time. Every moment must have been priceless.

Today, make a deliberate choice to enjoy those gifts God has ‘remembered’ you with – your child, age six or twenty six, a friend, a spouse, a sibling, or cousin.